Live Event: Graduation
Venue: Alado
Date: Sunday, Feb 25
Time: 13:00 GMT
Graduation page Recording Text chat
Coordinator: Teresa Almeida d'Eça (Portugal)
Moderators: Teresa Almeida d'Eça (Portugal) and Moira Hunter (France)
Participants: Aiden Yeh (Taiwan), Alice Barr (USA), Andy Pincon (USA), Angeles Berman (Mexico), Ana Rivas (Peru), Carla Raguseo (Argentina), Cora Chen (USA), Dennis "Denos" Newson (Germany), Dennis Oliver (USA), Derya (Turkey), Ester La Torre (Italy), Geoff Kaye (Australia), Hala Fawzi (Sudan), Horacio (Venezuela), Isabel Teixeira (Brazil), Jennifer Verschoor (Argentina), Johanna Stirling (England), Leanne Mackenzie (Canada), Mabel Quiroga (Argentina), Maru del Campo (Mexico), Monica Veado (Brazil), Nelba Quintana (Argentina), Nina Liakos (USA), Nina Lyulkun (Ukraine), Perry Christensen (Hawaii, USA), Rita Zeinstejer (Argentina), Ronaldo Lima (Brazil), Sara Braxton (USA), Sasha Sirk (Slovenia), Sharon Betts (USA), Susan Wood (Estonia), Susana Araujo (Portugal), Vance Stevens (UAE).
Text chat
VIP: Thank you for all the enthusiasm for the Graduation page and BaW 07. It was very pleasant to read all your comments "a posteriori".
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress thanks
Johanna afk for a sec
SharonBetts Thank goodness there is no video today.
SusanW 'scuze me?
TeresaA thank you, dennis :-)
Maru Lost audio
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress thanks
Johanna afk for a sec
Leanne better Vance
SharonBetts It is much better.
Isabel Brazil yes
HalaFawzi yes
Moira MUCH better
RitaZ great, V
SusanW yes better vance
Sarah Braxton yes
Ronaldo yes
Perry in Hawaii Yes
NinaAL Hi Perry!
Perry in Hawaii Hi Nina
NinaAL Ni to see you here also.
Cora Chen Hi Perry
Horacio Idarraga Gil I´m back
Perry in Hawaii Hi Cora
NinaAL How are you in Hawaii?
Nina Liakos OK, I just added myself but I don't suppose it will come up
SusanW HOracio?
angelesb yes
SharonBetts Very quiet
Isabel Brazil yes, Nelba
RitaZ yes, nelba
Sarah Braxton yes
Perry in Hawaii It's 3am
Horacio Idarraga Gil Yes,
Johanna Yes Nelba
TeresaA hi nina
SharonBetts There we go, Nina
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress yes
SusanW hi Nina
angelesb yes
Denos Yes
Isabel Brazil yes, Nina
CarlaYR Yes, Nina
Johanna Yes Nina
Cora Chen yes, Nelba, Nina
VanceS nina coming in loud
Nina Liakos Yes, Nina, loud amd clear!
Sarah Braxton yes, Nina
Maru yes to both Ninas
Horacio Idarraga Gil Hi Nelba
jennifer verschoor very low
SharonBetts Too Quiet, Nelba.
NinaAL That's good.
Maru it is low Nelba
Moira We can hear you Nelba :-)))))
Sarah Braxton Low sound..
SusanW hi Nelba -- you are a little quiet but we can hear you
CarlaYR Hi Nelba! Me too!!!
Nina Liakos (There is a play called The Two Ninas" - has anyone heard of it?
Nina Liakos Can a moderator refresh the wiki page?
SusanW want some coffee Perry?
SharonBetts At least those of us that are before breakfast.
Maru I am sleepy perry
Nina Liakos Maybe my photo will come up!
Horacio Idarraga Gil I think one of the NINAS changed her name
NinaAL Not me of course.
Perry in Hawaii No, I'm going back to bed after this
HalaFawzi lol
Nina Liakos The other one is aka Nagora
SharonBetts lol
Moira Yes, absolutely - it's all a secret to me!!!!
NelbaQuintana Really, what time is in Hawai?
Sarah Braxton I can't wait to see the surprise...
NinaAL Nina Liakos is in full.
jennifer verschoor I love surprises
Moira me too :-))))
SharonBetts I'm excited - what a lead-in, Teresa.
VanceS scroll down ... I FOUND the frapper show
NelbaQuintana I don´t know what we have to do with the photo ??
HalaFawzi I love to look to our map.see how South America is covered with webheads?
NinaAL everyone loves surprises, ;-)
Maru What are we suppoused to be viewing
Moira Are we all sitting comfortably?
Ronaldo South America rocks!
Horacio Idarraga Gil Welcome, Hala
CarlaYR Yes, Hala we should meet f2f here!
Nina Liakos Hear hear for SA!
SusanW no, Moira -- we are on the edges of our seats
VanceS rest in seattle??
Moira Let's begin!!!
SusanW suspense
NinaAL What can you see on the screen in the left, please?
NelbaQuintana Yes, sitting comfortably and having mate.Does anybody want?
SharonBetts YESSSSS
HalaFawzi Horacio with an orange on your hand?
HalaFawzi YES
VanceS :gets a straw
CarlaYR Yes, Nelba
Maru Yes Nelba
SusanW yes, thanks Nelba
HalaFawzi Yes
TeresaA do you see it?
SharonBetts Got it.
CarlaYR Me too
TeresaA only login?
NelbaQuintana here you are
angelesb the password is...
Maru I see Teresadeca login
TeresaA zotavaz
TeresaA sorry about that
Horacio Idarraga Gil Teresa. I don´t have password.
Ronaldo what's the password? baw?
TeresaA ***
HalaFawzi ***
SusanW it doesn't work
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress lol, moira
CarlaYR I'm in!
Leanne It worked for me!
Isabel Brazil ok
Ronaldo I'm in too!
angelesb good for me
SusanW ahhhh! works now!
TeresaA yes
TeresaA because i am logged in
Ronaldo yes - ***
Johanna I'm there
TeresaA *** in the password
HalaFawzi where did you get that password
VanceS clever
Nina Liakos I am in but I am not sure if it's because I logged in or Tere did
Horacio Idarraga Gil I wrote baw and told me no
jennifer verschoor yes it work
HalaFawzi WOW What a cake
NinaAL should I put in my name?
TeresaA sorry about that. didn't occur to me
Cora Chen yes, I can see the page
Moira ***
Dennis-O Hi again, everyone.
Maru again please
Ana Rivas can you type the password, pls?
SharonBetts I am there in another browser window, but it won't let me in here?
Leanne Thank you Moira for the British "*"
Perry in Hawaii I'm in, yeah
Maru please repeat moira
Moira lol Leanne - I do my best - you can teach me everything in Seattle
Nina Liakos *** sorry
Maru please write it down
Isabel Brazil ok,I'm in
NelbaQuintana got it
Leanne it's a Canadian "*" too, Moira
Maru I ma not in
Ana Rivas Got it
NinaAL Is it our graduation,
Nina Liakos apologies accepted
TeresaA :-)
Isabel Brazil accepted
Horacio Idarraga Gil Don´t worry
Denos Accepted.... :-)
Maru I did not get the password, the voice breaks
Nina Liakos np!
NinaAL pbwiki?
Nina Liakos yes
Maru Can someone type it
Ana Rivas Don´t need to apologize
Isabel Brazil yes
TeresaA ***
Moira ***
Denos Yes
Ronaldo yes!
Sarah Braxton yes!
CarlaYR Please,don't apologize Teresa Thanks for the surprise!
RitaZ yes, Tere, its fab!
Ana Rivas I can see the graduation page
angelesb love the cake
TeresaA thank you!
Moira Welove surprises :-))))))
Dennis-O I can't log in.
SharonBetts Sorry, I got kicked out and had to reenter.
Maru I am in Thank you
Ronaldo I like the certificate of appreciation to Baw2007 wives!
Ana Rivas Lovely
HalaFawzi I love the husbands one
jennifer verschoor this is great
HalaFawzi #
NelbaQuintana beautiful certificates!
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress lol
NinaAL smiles
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress i like that
CarlaYR I need one for my husband!
NelbaQuintana great for families' patience!
Moira boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
jennifer verschoor wow the first certificate for my 8 month baby!!
mquiroga Hi everyone
SharonBetts Nice cake and great certificate. Very nice pages.
Moira Hi Mabel
Johanna Hope you get one too teresa
Cora Chen Teresa, thank you so much for your hard work! The page looks wonderful!!!
angelesb Thank you Theresa
Maru Wonderful present Tere
Nina Liakos How could anyone feel left out in this warm, friendly group?
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress lovely picture of you and Daf
angelesb excellent work and hard to do
Nina Liakos Thanks for thanks!
jennifer verschoor thanks for this great surprise
NinaAL My husband is happy.
SusanW Teresa, soorry I got booted off. Can you send the link to your wiki again?
Cora Chen Clap, clap, clap!
HalaFawzi Thank YOU Terinha
Ana Rivas Lovey!! You´ve taken into account even the smallest details. Thanks from the bottom of my heart
SharonBetts Thank you for inviting us to Webheads in Action.
Horacio Idarraga Gil If a man has two or more wives, do yo remember all of them?
Moira Hey, Ibrahim and me please :-))))))
angelesb do you have Horacio?
NelbaQuintana very funny Horacio.
SusanW Teresa? please can you send the link to the wiki again? all I can see is hte webhead page
Horacio Idarraga Gil Not me
SusanW :(
TeresaA ***
jennifer verschoor Tere I always teach this geese theory It´s great
Denos Mind? I am flattered.
SharonBetts It is really very nicely done.
HalaFawzi Maru is a star in baw 7
SusanW thanks Tere!
Dennis-O Finally I can see everything!
Maru Come on!
HalaFawzi Joah, thank you
jennifer verschoor I´ve never had so many surprises in one single place
NelbaQuintana I haven't either. Wonderful gift!
Dennis-O A wonderful cake! Parabens to Joao!
Moira Hi Monica
Monica Veado Hi Moira, hi everyone!
Ronaldo So, have we become webheads? =)
jennifer verschoor you motivated us
Maru So this is what a webhaeads graduation is! Great! clap, clap, clap, clap,
NinaAL Hi Monica!
angelesb huge gift
SusanW lovely Tere!!! Thank you!!!
Ana Rivas clap clap, clap, clap
Isabel Brazil thanks Teresa!:)
Leanne Thank you Teresa, what a debt we owe YOU!
Ronaldo thanks Teresa!
angelesb thanks again teresa
Dennis-O <>
jennifer verschoor will miss you all but know that this is the beginning
Horacio Idarraga Gil It is no good bye. It´s just so long
susiearaujo Hoorray! I'm here!
Cora Chen Thanks again, Teresa!
Leanne Thanks also to all the hard-working mods and co-mods
Cora Chen Thanks, Leanne!
susiearaujo I was putting my lipstick on for the party ;)
HalaFawzi lol
TeresaA lol moira
Horacio Idarraga Gil Susie. You do not need lipstick
SharonBetts Thank goodness there is no video today.
SusanW 'scuze me?
TeresaA thank you, dennis :-)
Maru Lost audio
Perry in Hawaii Way to go Dennis
Cora Chen Yes, Dennis, you're wonderful, too.
jennifer verschoor I´ve got my pyjamas
SusanW :)
Dennis-O You're entirely welcome, Teresa.
Leanne me too Jennifer
susiearaujo Horacio: I know I know,but I couldn't resist it! After all, party is party!
Moira Thank you!!!!!! It's been great with all of you :-))
TeresaA we love to have people from other areas, sharon. thanks for being here :-)
Cora Chen Thank, NinaAl
Dennis-O --and everyone!
TeresaA thanks, nina. and do stay with us :-)
SharonBetts I feel like I know people personally from all corners of teh world.
HalaFawzi Thank you Nina
Dennis-O Thanks for your kind words, Nina!
SharonBetts Yes
Ana Rivas yes
Ronaldo yes
Monica Veado yes
jennifer verschoor yes
Moira Thank you Nina in Ukraine - hugs
Maru yes
TeresaA absolutely, sharon!
NelbaQuintana no, louder Sarah please
Dennis-O Yes, Sarah.
Moira Yes Sarah
Horacio Idarraga Gil yes
NinaAL I definitely will.
TeresaA glad you were with us, sarah :-)
Dennis-O Everyone learns!
SharonBetts Very true, Sarah - everyone has been ideal models.
TeresaA it's great to hear your comment, sarah
SusanW Wonderful to have you here, Sarah!
Cora Chen Thanks, Sarah!
NinaAL You are right, Sarah.
Dennis-O Thanks, Sharon.
Isabel Brazil that't true Sarah
Maru You are so right SaraH
Cora Chen Thanks, Sharon!
TeresaA do stay with us, sarah
SusanW g'day, geoff!
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress thanks, Sarah, that was lovely of you
TeresaA hi, geoff. thank for being here! :-)
SharonBetts How many continents do we cover?
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress that's true, geoff
Dennis-O Thanks for being here, Geoff.
TeresaA thank you, i meant, geoff
SusanW YES
susiearaujo My husband is asking you: Please return my wife! lol lol
SharonBetts YES - HEAR HEAR!
Cora Chen Yes
TeresaA thank you! :-)
HalaFawzi YES!
Moira Thanks Geoff
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress lol, Susie
SusanW clap clap clap
TeresaA :-)
Cora Chen Thanks Geoff!
Dennis-O Hear, hear, Geoff! The coordinators and moderators DEFINITELY need a special certificate!
mquiroga clap,clap,clap
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress thanks Geoff
Isabel Brazil well said Geoff
Moira clap clap clap clap and I loved our conversations Geoff :-))))
Dennis-O <>
susiearaujo You definitely made a change in my life. I love you all! ;)
NinaAL Thanks a lot Jeoff
TeresaA thank you, ronaldo!
SusanW glad you stayed in Ronaldo!
SharonBetts I can see that BAWers never give up.
TeresaA glad you didn't give up
Cora Chen Thanks, Ronaldo
Dennis-O We all agree with you, Ronaldo!
HalaFawzi We love you tooSusie
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress thanks Ronaldo :-)
NinaAL Stay happy Ronaldo!
susiearaujo Glad to hear you Ronaldo ;)
Cora Chen Thanks, Nelba!
SharonBetts Yes, the poem really does it.
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress thank you for your friendship as well, Nelba
susiearaujo Hoorray Teresa!
Dennis-O Nice proverb!
Ronaldo Thanks you, baw07 made me strong!
Ronaldo Thank you
HalaFawzi esp. male webheads, right Dennis?
mquiroga lol Hala
Ronaldo Yes I'll join in webheads in action right now!
Dennis-O Hala: As Dafne would say, "he he he."
NinaAL Hi Carla!
TeresaA i love the proverb, dennisO
Cora Chen Thanks, Carla!
SharonBetts I will also join and look forward to further discussions.
NelbaQuintana I think we should have a photo all together... like the photo graduates take at the end of the party.
NelbaQuintana It would be great
Dennis-O I want to get a copy of the text, Teresa.
HalaFawzi he he he
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress don't worry about it, Carla
Leanne Teresa, is there a limit on the number of participants here?
TeresaA the human touch!!!
SharonBetts great Carla - hasn't it been fun?
Dennis-O Collaboration and people: YES!
Leanne Nina Liakos is "locked out"
SharonBetts I see we are up to 30!
NinaAL Yes, it was a great experience.
Dennis-O "Changed my professional life forever": YES!
Isabel Brazil Hi Jennifer
NelbaQuintana Hi, Argentina! Jen
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress ;-)
TeresaA BaW is high tech with the human touch! :-)
Dennis-O It's nice to hear your voice, Jennifer.
Cora Chen Thanks, Jennifer!
NelbaQuintana great dress , Teresa!
SharonBetts Could 30 be the limit?
NinaAL Nice to hear Jennifer!
Dennis-O "I learned what it means to be a great online teacher": YES!
TeresaA maybe, sharon
Leanne Teresa, anyone, can we help Nina back in?
CarlaYR Right, Jennifer!
HalaFawzi Right!
NinaAL It's definitely the beginning.
susiearaujo Yes, the beginning definitely ;)
Cora Chen Jennifer, good job!
NinaAL at least for me.
Dennis-O Yes, definitely.
TeresaA there's probably a limit to participants
NinaAL Hi Denos
Maru Yes Moira, you can intervene
Dennis-O It's good to hear you live, Dennis-Denos.
Cora Chen Thanks so much, Denos!
NelbaQuintana Where have you got your technie dress, Teresa?
HalaFawzi Dennis our Denos!
TeresaA which techie dress, nelba? what do you mean?
Ronaldo I agree, Dennis
NinaAL Daf and Teresa, you look wonderful on the picture drinking
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress ***blushes****
TeresaA thank you, dennisN
HalaFawzi Like Aiden's, Tere
SharonBetts Thank you.
Dennis-O Yes, Aiden, your presentation was wonderful: the embodiment of what Webheads try to be.
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress **whew***gotta get that glass of wine
SusanW nicely said, Dennis
susiearaujo Hug D. Denos :)
TeresaA thanks, nina. we were having a lovely time
NelbaQuintana sorry I´m reading so many messages. I made a mistake :((
Isabel Brazil I love your accent Denis!
Cora Chen I agree, Aiden has done a great job!
Dennis-O Yes, very nicely said indeed, Dennis-Denos.
NelbaQuintana yes, great accent
TeresaA i can't either :-(
SusanW could we switch to YM or another venue?
SharonBetts Should a few of us drop out?
Sarah Braxton I can go out and make room for someone else
SusanW or perhaps we could all sign out and you can change the configurations?
HalaFawzi no oice
Maru no sound
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress lost your voice Moira
Sarah Braxton Please record the whole thing!
susiearaujo no sound :(
NinaAL no voice, what's up!
Ana Rivas can´t hear you
CarlaYR I can't hear anything
TeresaA we are recording
Cora Chen Dennis-denos, great speech!
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress yes
mquiroga Yes,
CarlaYR Yes
jennifer verschoor yes
angelesb yes
Dennis-O I hear you now.
TeresaA the end
SharonBetts near themiddle
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress end
Ronaldo the end
Horacio Idarraga Gil Nobody has said something about the photo. I think it´s the photo of 2 good (old) and happy friends.
susiearaujo the end
mquiroga form the middle
Dennis-O We lost your voice in the middle.
SusanW from the part where you said that you couldn't change things
Ana Rivas towards the end
jennifer verschoor ok I already spoke and once again thank all of you.
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress yes, a lesson for us, we could have asked Andy
jennifer verschoor Will miss you great team
TeresaA yes i do
jennifer verschoor cu in Tapped in
SharonBetts OK, I have joined Webheads in Action - and will try to get to TappedIn on Sundays if possible. Thank you everyone - enjoy.
Cora Chen I can leave soon, because I need to go back to sleep!
NelbaQuintana Shall we to to Webheads?
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress Bye Sharon Betts, see you online
Maru leaving?
jennifer verschoor bye great team
CarlaYR So, some of us can leave now.
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress hello Ana
Ronaldo Hi Ana
Cora Chen Once again, Thanks everyone, bye! See you around!
Denos I am leaving - to make space, and because it fits in with life 1
NinaAL hi Ana!
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress that's good news, Ana R.
Leanne I will just write a congratulations to all new WebHeads, and welcome to the fold.
TeresaA thanks, denos
TeresaA thank you, ana
NinaAL bye Denos, it was nice listen to you.
RitaZ I'll also make room for other people to join in, so that they can also get a feel of this special get-together, bye all, thank you all!
Leanne Also Congratulations to all who persevered with 6 weeks!
Monica Veado Well, everybody, thank you for the wonderful experience and the wonderful friendships I've made! And thanks to the moderators and coordinators for all their support and to all of you for the true spirit of collaboration!
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress True- it's free- and good, isn't it?
TeresaA wow! that's great to hear, johanna
Moira oh thanks Johanna
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress Hello Maru ***hugs****
Ronaldo it's nearly too good to be free =)
Dennis-O It was good to hear you, Johanna! We all agree, I'm sure.
NinaAL Hi Maru.
Dennis-O It's good to hear you, too, Maru!
susiearaujo can I join Webheads in Action too?
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress hello Susan
Dennis-O Hi, Susan.
NelbaQuintana have you joined Webheads yet?
Dennis-O "It's truly been a life-changing experience": YES!
NinaAL Hi Susan, you are right, thanks
TeresaA thanks, maru. "we" are, not "you" are, a great comunity!
Moira Hi Ester
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress Hello Mabel
susiearaujo No, Nelba, I haven't
NelbaQuintana HI, Mabel!
TeresaA hi, mabel
Ronaldo Hi Mabel
Dennis-O It's good to hear you, Mabel.
Perry in Hawaii I'll have to type my thanks, because I don't want to wake my wife, who is sleeping. But I agree with what everyone is saying. Thank you very much.
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress ;-) Mabel
NinaAL Hi Mabel
ester hi moira, i'm at a friend's home
VanceS there are a few south americans at edunation in second life right now
Dennis-O "A top-quality learning experience": YES!
TeresaA thank you, perry! :-)
NelbaQuintana Sorry, but where does the party continue?
Moira We have Susan!!!
CarlaYR Goodbye and thanks again everybody!!!
Moira Hi Sasha
TeresaA very nice gifts, susan. thank you all!
Dennis-O It was good to be with you here, Perry. Aloha!
Moira Bye Carla
TeresaA welcome sasha
Nina Liakos yes
Dennis-O Yes.
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress yes
Moira Yes Monica
Sasha Hi all
Maru yes
Horacio Idarraga Gil yes
SusanW loud and clear
Ronaldo yes
derya yes
Ana Rivas yes
TeresaA hi monica
NelbaQuintana great sound!
Sasha I'm late... sorry
NinaAL Hi Monica
Perry in Hawaii Good night and thanks!
susiearaujo Dear friends, it was so nice to be here with you all! I must leave now!
TeresaA good, monica
TeresaA bye, susie!
Dennis-O It's good to hear the "Chief Cat Herder"!
NinaAL bye susie
Dennis-O Ate logo, Susie!
VanceS hi dennis
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress welcome back Nina
susiearaujo I'll never forget this great experience with you! Big hug!
Dennis-O Hi again, Nina!
Leanne Welcome back, Nina
Sasha Hi NIna
SusanW well, I'll be on my way now to let some others in -- thank you all! (Moira -- pingvinn is getting very cold -- please stop tickling him off of his iceberg!)
Dennis-O Hiya, Vance!
susiearaujo Bye-bye
TeresaA thanks, susie
Leanne no problem!
NinaAL Hi Nina, nice to hear you.
Monica Veado Hi NinaAL, I loved working with all of you creating the blogs!
Moira LOL Susan
TeresaA thanks, susan
SusanW :) see you all soon!
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress **hugs Nina****
NinaAL you too, Monica.
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress lol
Moira onto worldbridges in about 15 minutes
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress we'll be here, Nina
Leanne what is at Worldbridges, Moirra?
TeresaA moira, WB is in 1.15 hrs
NinaAL Moira, is it possible to join the worldbridges?
Leanne oh yes, the EVO wrap up
TeresaA hala, we haven't really heard you
Moira true - Teresa - looking at French time :-)
NinaAL thank you, Nina
TeresaA thanks, nina
Dennis-O It certainly has been great, Nina!
ester Can I follow U at WB?
Monica Veado thanks Nina
NinaAL for your assisrance at any time
Rachela I missed so much of the course (work "in real-time") just got ahead of me! I think I'd like to take it again next year.
TeresaA french or portuguese time, the difference is the same ;-)
Nina Liakos Rachela, you can take this many times and always get overwhelmed
Nina Liakos there's always so much to learn
Johanna Hear,hear
Dennis-O Hear, hear!
Monica Veado hear hear!
Rachela You're probably right. But I figure since I was able to learn so much in the first two weeks, maybe next year I'll manage the 3rd and 4th week!
Dennis-O To all the guest speakers!
TeresaA i second that "thank you" for guest speakers, moira
HalaFawzi hear hear
Leanne Maru, I loved your analogy on the Grad page, I hadn't seen it before
Nina Liakos Good attitutde
Dennis-O <>
Nina Liakos Yes, I loved that analogy too
Rachela : applause
Nina Liakos hear hear for the guest speakers
Monica Veado clap clap clap clap clap clap!
TeresaA applause for guest speakers!!!
Johanna Clap, clap,clap
derya A big thank to all the guest speakers, yes!
Ronaldo clap clap clap for guest speakers
Dennis-O <>
HalaFawzi clap clap
Leanne :claps for guest speakers
NinaAL clap clap
mquiroga I think Geoff has left to make room for other Baw, but
Ana Rivas clap, clap, clap for guest speakers too
NelbaQuintana clap, clap... bravo!
mquiroga anyhow clap, clap, clap
ester Thanks to you too Moira
NinaAL thank you Moira, very much!
Horacio Idarraga Gil clap, clap, clap for everybody
NelbaQuintana bravo 4 Moira, a great moderator!
Nina Liakos How about the moderators, who are also not paid? Tere, Daf, Moira, Cora...
Nina Liakos (Whom did I forget??)
Ronaldo Moira rocks!
Dennis-O Hear, hear, Horacio!
NelbaQuintana with great glasses! ;)
HalaFawzi me
Nina Liakos Hala!
TeresaA brain works and emotions play: i like that, maru
Monica Veado yes nina, a big clap clap clap clap clap to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nina Liakos Forgive me
Dennis-O Let's hear it for the moderators!
Dennis-O <>
Nina Liakos We missed her!
Leanne last year, was it? we had a right-brain/left-brain quiz...where is it?
NinaAL We are looking forward to hear Daf again.
HalaFawzi Dafne we miss you !
Leanne yes, we missed her
Leanne hope to see her in Seattle too
Dennis-O Yes, we've definitely missed her!
NinaAL we miss Daf very much!
Moira yes :-)))
Dennis-O {{{{HUG}}}} for Dafne!
NinaAL {{{{{Dafne}}}}}
Johanna Thank you very much Daf
NelbaQuintana very good, Teresa!
HalaFawzi Thank you Tere
NinaAL {{{{TERESA}}}}}
Nina Liakos Please intervene, Moira
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress lol
Dennis-O {{{{HUG}}}} for Teresa!
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress true
Ana Rivas {{{{HUG}}}}
Johanna Is she mad?!?!
HalaFawzi lol
TeresaA thank you all for your warmth and hugs! :-)
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress lol
NelbaQuintana she is really hardworking
Nina Liakos Don't forget she has her own teaching and planning to do
NinaAL agree with you, Moira
NelbaQuintana workaholic
Nina Liakos She must not sleep much
NinaAL You are absolutely right.
Dennis-O She's definitely not mad, but I think she never sleeps!
NelbaQuintana lol
Nina Liakos clap clap clap for Daf!
Rachela clap clap clap!
Ronaldo claps for Daf
NelbaQuintana clap,clap
Dennis-O <>
Leanne I will!
Nina Liakos I will be in Seattle
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress that's quite true about Daf
Dennis-O I won't, unfortunately.
Monica Veado not me, unfortuantely...
Moira Me :-))
NinaAL sorry, not.
VanceS me me me
NelbaQuintana not me, :(((
Rachela Not me.
Ronaldo I won't... =(
Sasha I won't
Maru I will not go, I did not know about it and do not have the resources to make the trip this year
NelbaQuintana I hope some day
NinaAL Vance as usual.
Nina Liakos I will also be at the Red Lion Tere
Johanna If somebody sends me a plane ticket...
TeresaA great, nina
NelbaQuintana I want one tooo
NinaAL Vance I met you three time at TESOL
NelbaQuintana ticket I mean
Ana Rivas Can´t make it
Maru Congratulations to all that are going!
HalaFawzi Geat idea!
mquiroga unfortunately not this year, maybe next one
Ronaldo YES!
Monica Veado yes, that would be fantastic!
Maru Good idea
NelbaQuintana yes, they deserve it... like Ibrahim. greaty webhead
Leanne I wonder if the restaurant we're thinking about having a group dinner, if it's wireless
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress we did that two years ago
HalaFawzi Ibrahim will be there
Horacio Idarraga Gil I´ll be there....(online)
AndrewP you can use or you skypecast
NinaAL only online
Moira Yes I'm meeting dear Ibrahim in Seattle
HalaFawzi low
Ronaldo too low
Moira Vance you are n SL?
Ana Rivas the sound isn´t clear
Nina Liakos can you turn your mic up Vance
mquiroga too low and some typing
TeresaA bad sound, again, vance
Moira I can hear the familiar sounds ;-)
Dennis-O It's hard to hear you, Vance.
NinaAL I can't hear Vance
Ana Rivas not
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress i can hear you Vance
VanceS sorry hmm
Johanna Vance, are you at teh bottom of teh ocean?
Moira Vance - no good - you're in SL and we can hear it
TeresaA bad
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress but there's a lot of noise
NinaAL are you at airport, Vance?
TeresaA bad sound vance
Rachela I can only hear you very vaguely. Your typing noise comes in very clearly.
Dennis-O I can hear the typing very well, but not your voice, Vance.
TeresaA lol nina
VanceS I'll go out and come back in
NelbaQuintana very bad sound, Vance.
VanceS brb
Monica Veado yes, Johanna, its sounds like his driving a convertible car or something! :)
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress and tapping of his keyboard
AndrewP ola Tere
NelbaQuintana Where are we going now? Tapped In?
Ana Rivas lol
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress Hello Andy **hugs*** it's been a long time
AndrewP just got up and we are in the midst of a snow storm
Nina Liakos lol
AndrewP hi Aiden
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress as usual, he's multi-tasking
TeresaA i'm going to rest for a while and then WBrigdges, nelba
Moira yes AIden ;-))
Nina Liakos multitasking again
NelbaQuintana are we all going?
Dennis-O Always multi-tasking!
Maru I need to develop my multitasking skills
Johanna Not yet nelba
NelbaQuintana Sorry, can you give me the URL of Wbridges? please
Dennis-O Merhaba, Derya!
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress i won't be able to go to World Bridges, that would be midnight for me, and I have a class tomorrow
Nina Liakos Derya rules!
TeresaA a comment for posterity, right, moira?
Johanna Hurray for Derya
Nina Liakos Doing the threads for any week is not so easy, Moira
Dennis-O Yes, hurray!
TeresaA thank you for the threads, derya :-)
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress Derya- so it was you- who updated the blog- Motime? impressive work!
Monica Veado bravo, Derya!
HalaFawzi clap for Derya
derya just a sec Moira
derya I'm feeding the baby:(
Dennis-O <>
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress lol
NelbaQuintana yes, great threads.. clapping for the threaders (?)
derya you pronounce it well
NinaAL Greetings to Derya.
AndrewP yes
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress let us hear the baby
NinaAL yes
Sasha I'll have to leave you now, my dear friends... hope to see you at worldbridges
Moira hi :-)))))))
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress hi there- Derya
Nina Liakos Hi Derya!
Maru Hi Derya
Dennis-O Merhaba, Derya! It's wonderful to hear you!
NinaAL bye Sasha.
NinaAL cu soon
Monica Veado hello Derya!
Moira see you later Sasha and thanks for the wonderful Week 5 threads :-)))
mquiroga How's that for multitasking? Bravo Derya!!!
Dennis-O Take care, Sasha!
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress that's good to know, Derya
Nina Liakos nice?
HalaFawzi bye Sasha
Moira Only we women can do that, heh Mabel ;-))
NinaAL stay happy, Sasha!
Moira Congrats Derya
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress right, mabel- that's a different kind of multi-tasking
mquiroga only women!
NinaAL we are happy to be with you, Derya.
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress right, Moira :-)
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress hi hala
Moira yes
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress yes
Nina Liakos yes Hala
Monica Veado yes
TeresaA loud
derya YES
Ana Rivas yes
Dennis-O Salaam, Hala!
mquiroga yes, Hala
Rachela yes
NinaAL Hi Hala!
Dennis-O Yes!
AndrewP yes, Hala
Johanna yes hala
TeresaA better now, hala
NinaAL Nice to hear you.
Maru yes
Moira Hi Alice :-))
NinaAL Thank you for the great job you've done!!!
TeresaA great, hala! :-)
alicebarr Hi sorry to be so late
Nina Liakos Hi Alice, I was late last year
Nina Liakos Were you locked out?
Moira np - we continue in worldbridges at 15.00 GMT
Dennis-O "It's a spirit that you want to stay with you": YES!
NinaAL Thanks, Hala again
Horacio Idarraga Gil bye, hala
Ana Rivas Thanks & see you too
ester 10Q Hala and all moder. co-moder. organizers and, hopefully, C U at the next Webhead
derya we'll definitely be here next year again Hala!
Dennis-O Shukran, Hala!
alicebarr No just had some other stuff gooing on
Nina Liakos Don't forget Sunday chats at Tapped In!
Dennis-O <>
NelbaQuintana count with me I?ll be here again!
mquiroga I'll see you in a few minutes. Loved meeting you here!
Johanna Those of you meeting in Seattle are lucky. Is anyone going to IATEFL in Aberdeen Scotland in March?
Maru clap, clap
NelbaQuintana what time at Tapped IN?
derya Nina, Sunday chats?
NinaAL Thanks Teresa!
Nina Liakos 12 GMT
derya whats that?
Dennis-O Thanks, Teresa.
HalaFawzi Vance will be busy for some more days!!!!
Moira Johanna - haven't been to Aberdeen for a while but as I'm going to the States, won't make it in Scotland :-(
Nina Liakos for about 2 hours
Nina Liakos or whenever you can drop in
alicebarr Well deserved rest!
Johanna That's a shame Moira -it would have been lovely to meet
HalaFawzi clock?
Monica Veado busy Teresa!!! :)
Dennis-O Busy, busy, busy, Teresa!
Nina Liakos When do you have time to teach Tere?
HalaFawzi You deserve it Tere
Dennis-O And when do you have time to sleep?
Moira Definitely Johanna - we're not far so we'll have to find another opportunity - definitely :-)))
Nina Liakos :-(
Leanne I'm leaving now, but will see you in WorldBridges in an hour...Thanks for a fun Grad and I'll enjoy the Grad page for weeks to come!
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress bye Leanne
Moira bisous leanne
Nina Liakos Everyone has only 24 hours
NinaAL bye Leanne
Leanne Also - all the postings etc. that I missed while lurking
NinaAL see you again soon
Nina Liakos Sometimes it's just not enough
Nina Liakos Going back to bed, Leanne?
Johanna Take good care of yourself Teresa
VanceS I changed computers
Leanne no. I'll sew for a bit I think...
HalaFawzi Take care
HalaFawzi all of you
Dennis-O Yes, take care of yourself, Teresa!
Nina Liakos See you soon, Leanne
TeresaA thank you all. will do!
Monica Veado thanks Andrew!
Leanne you bet, Nina
Dennis-O It's good to hear you, Andrew.
Nina Liakos Take care, Tere
Maru Thanks Andrew
NinaAL Thank you Andrew for given us the opportunity to communicate in here.
Dennis-O Thanks for the wonderful services you provide.
derya TO ALL, How old is BaW, by the way?
TeresaA yes. i'll be part of that with daf and will be talking about baw
Johanna yes, thank you - it's a great tool
Nina Liakos Thanks, Andrew. This year I have become much more comfortbale here at Alado
Leanne Thanks Andy - will you be there as well?
Nina Liakos It's a great place!
Dennis-O There are usually live webcasts from the convention.
NelbaQuintana Bye, everybody. Thank you for everything, We have been a great team... CU at Webheads and Tapped In. All my love from Argentina :X
Moira ah Horacio :-)))
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress this will be for the Electronic Village, Andy, Seattle
NinaAL Hi Horacio!
TeresaA andy, could you push it out?
Monica Veado hello Horacio, nice to hear you!
AndrewP no I am tied up on a projects in Wisconsin and Illinois
Dennis-O It's good to hear you, Horacio!
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress Hi Horacio
Leanne too bad, Andy :-(
Nina Liakos The learning goes on!
NinaAL bye
Rachela Bye!
Dennis-O Ohala que si, Horacio!
HalaFawzi bye!
Leanne good to hear you, Horacio
Dennis-O Ojala. . .
Johanna Nice to hear you Horacio - send me a virtual orange!
Horacio Idarraga Gil Johanna. I am changing oranges to sugar. Do you accept?
TeresaA good
Moira yes
Nina Liakos yes!
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress yes
Ana Rivas yes
Leanne great Vance
Dennis-O Several EVO sessions were webcast live last year. I hope some of them will be this year, too.
HalaFawzi Instructions for Participation <../../2006/IF_Classics/webcast_instructions.htm>yes
Monica Veado yes
Ronaldo yes
Dennis-O Yes. It's good now, Vance.
Rachela It's still quite soft, but I can hear you.
Leanne hehehe Vance
Moira yes oh yes :-)
AndrewP If you know what times you and Daf will be presenting, can you list the times and virtual venues on one of our calendars
TeresaA will try to, andy
TeresaA it'll be mar 22, 10:30 to 11:30 local seattle time
Moira clap clap clap Vance
Monica Veado will the sessions be available somewhere later, for those who can't make it to the webcast?
Johanna Horacio, OK, but it was a sweet Venezuelan orange that I really wanted
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress when are you arriving?
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress yes
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress in 2004
Horacio Idarraga Gil Johanna. Where are you from?
Nina Liakos I can't wait to meet so many webheads f2f
Nina Liakos It's going to be amazing
Nina Liakos I feel so lucky
Rachela Can someone give me the address of worldbridges? I can't seem to find it?
Moira Johanna is in the UK
Nina Liakos .net or .com
Nina Liakos .net I think
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress ok
Nina Liakos there are 2 worldbridges
AndrewP I'll put that time and date up on the webheads calendar now
Nina Liakos thanks Alice
NelbaQuintana I don´t want to be heavy... but does anyone have worldbridges URL at hand to pass it to me?
Rachela The one where the chat is at 3:00 GMT
NelbaQuintana thanks , Alice :)
Horacio Idarraga Gil Rachela. You can go to google and ask for worldbridges
Rachela Thanks.
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress yeah, we don't have a calendar for the EV sessions yet
TeresaA wed
TeresaA mar21
ester I can't
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress but if we will be webcasting Tere's Becoming a Webhead session, then the participants can also join us online
Dennis-O Take care, Ronaldo!
TeresaA right, aiden. and the participants' feedback is very important
Ana Rivas bye
Monica Veado bye Ronaldo!
HalaFawzi bye
NinaAL bye Ronaldo
TeresaA bye, ronaldo! :-)
Rachela bye
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress right,
Johanna I'm off now for some real cake (virtual is good but always leaves me wanting real). See you in EVO session. BYe, love to all
TeresaA bye, johanna
Monica Veado Well, guys, I have to go too... See you in a while in Worldbridges! Thanks!!!
alicebarr Thank you for everything!
NinaAL bye Johanna
Dennis-O Thanks, everyone, for six weeks of wonderful collaborative learning!
Nina Liakos Hello to all from Maite who was unable to be here today
Rachela Thank you!
NinaAL Thanks a million, teresa again
Nina Liakos Thank you!
Maru Bye everybody, thanks again, I will go and enjoy the graduation gifts
Dennis-O <>
Aiden in Chipao-Chinese dress clap, clap, clap, clap
Rachela You are amazing: being able to be so active on-line and still manage work at the same time!
Leanne Bye Maru - keep in touch
Ana Rivas @--------;--- a cyber rose for each of one. Besitos para todos!!!
Maru clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap
Monica Veado Bye Maru, bye everyone, see you later at worldbridges.
HalaFawzi bye everyone
Horacio Idarraga Gil Thank you, Tere and all the participants. I hope to see you again
NinaAL Thank you
NinaAL Thank you Moira!!
Teresa on behalf on the BaW 07 team!
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