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last edited
by PBworks 18 years ago
Moderators and Co-moderators
Cora Chen
 | | Cora is an ESL instructor at City College of San Francisco. She has taught both ESL and Chinese courses at City College of San Francisco and San Francisco State University. She received her master’s degree in English from San Francisco State University where she also majored in music. She is also a curriculum developer for the KQED Education Network. Being a participant in BAW 2005 was a wonderful learning experience that broadened her horizons and opened the door to the magic of cyber space where she can explore technologies in teaching. She was a co-moderator in BaW-06. Email: cchen@ccsf.edu ESL Webpage: http://corachen.com/esl.aspx Website: http://corachen.com |
Cristina Costa
 | Cristina is an EFL Teacher from Portugal and an Educational Technology learner. She is always looking forward to learning more and improving her performance as an educator. The Web, and the social environment that it provides, has been a discovery for her. After a couple of years she is still delighted with its potential. The interactions and the social bonds produced online are just amazing as well as the knowledge that is thus constructed. She was a co-moderator in BaW-06. Check her blog, her Site and add her to MSN (navysternchen@hotmail.com), Skype (navysternchen) and YM (cristinacosta_pt) |
Hala Fawzi
 | Hala is a PhD student at Gazeera University.She has been an EFL teacher since 1994. She is now teaching at University of Technology and Science in Khartoum, where she has been teaching EAP for Medicine and Dentistry students and currently, teaches in Computer Science College. She is also a Tutor at Faculty of Education, Open University of Sudan, where she teaches writing and literature. On a scholraship she won,she received a training course for online tutors from the Consultants-E.Her interests are; multiliteracies( began with Vance,'s PP 107 course and continued ever since), teacher professional development, integrating online language teaching in poor resource environments. She considers herself as a model of "bringing the world into your desktop by webheads" approach.She joined baw05,turned into a proud webhead , a co-moderator in baw06 who ended up as a baw07 moderator! The blog she loves: http://webheadsheaven.blogspot.com Her TPD blog: http://englishonlinects.blogspot.com Email: haloolahakema@yahoo.com IM haloolahakema Skype: halafawzi5337 |
Moira Hunter
 | Moira has many years of experience as a language trainer (MEd ELT) in both the higher educational and corporate sectors, teaching on undergraduate and graduate programmes, and coaching adults, both f2f and live online. She is a qualified online tutor LeTTOL and synchronous instructional designer and facilitator SLE Synchronous Learning Expert, working daily and globally via state-of-the-art technologies. Her most recent activities have included a European educational project aiming to design and develop a teacher training course in webconferencing for language teachers, moderating Global Learn Day X and hosting a three-day event Weblearning with the Human Touch Email : moira_hunter2005@yahoo.com Yahoo ID : moira_hunter2005 Skype ID : moirahunter Google ID : moirahunter Check : My Wiki ID |
Barbara Chap
 | Barbara is an American living in Germany and has been teaching/coaching English to adults at their places of work for the last 12 years. Besides classroom work with a focus on Business English, she gives seminars and workshops – especially in communication skills: not only what you say but how you say it in a cultural context. She did Becoming a Webhead 2005 and co-moderated BaW-06. "By far the best thing about becoming involved in BaW is making on-line friends and getting support for my new skills." |
Chrissan Ljunggren
 | Chrissan is from Sweden and has been into teaching for the last 25 years and currently in Trollhättan, Sweden. She joined BaW 2005 with very little experience of computer aided language teaching (CALL) and felt that this 6-week-course definitely changed her professional life and gave her an enormous amount of new friends. She was also a co-moderator in BaW-06. Chrissan is now working as an IT-facilitator among her former collegues and loving every minute of it (well...almost) |
Dennis Newson
 | Dennis is an Englishman living in Germany. After teaching EFL in West Africa, the Arabian Gulf and Norway he came to rest at the University of Osnabrueck in Germany. Since his alledged retirement, he has started and joined even more TEFL lists. He did his apprenticeship in ICT on the BaW 2005 course. |
Cheryl Oakes
 | Cheryl Oakes is from Wells, ME USA and has been involved with the Webheads since last January 2006, when she joined the Becoming a Webheads, helped moderate the messages and learned so, so , so much! Cheryl has been a technology teacher in Wells Elementary School for the past 10 years. This year she has been hired as a Collaborative Content Coach for Technology for the Wells Ogunquit Community School District. Cheryl is a guest blogger at TechLearning.com and webcasts with WomenofWeb2.com on Wednesdays at 12 am GMT.Cheryl is happy to be giving back to this wonderful community. Skype: Cheryl Oakes |
Elisabeth Fernandes
 | Elisabeth: "international" person: born in France to Portuguese parents, raised in France, Portugal, and Canada, married to a Frenchman, and now living in Japan. Trained as an ESL/EFL and FSL/FFL (French) teacher, as well as teacher trainer, she has now become a student of educational technology thanks in great part to the "connections" made through BAW. She has already been able to integrate some of her new knowledge into her classes, and is looking forward to being a co-moderator for BAW07 and furthering her learning. Skype: hanaonskype MSN: (hana)emfernandes2@hotmail.com |
Fernanda Rodrigues
 | Fernanda is from Portugal and has been teaching EFL for 33 years. She has been coordinator and responsible for several ICT projects at her school. She enjoys producing educational resources and integrating technology and the Internet in her classes. She joined Webheads in Action in 2002 and has learned a lot since then. She has never been a co-moderator before and hopes to cope with that new challenge. |
Gladys Baya
 | I'm an Argentinian EFL teacher and teacher trainer, really passionate about technology integration into teaching practices. As I learn better in supportive teams, my life changed radically when I met the Webheads in Action via “Becoming a Webhead” in 2005. I co-moderated BAW last year, and will be co-moderating it next EVO again!. This year I started LearningWithComputers, and am now getting ready to moderate my first EVO session: Blogging for Beginners. Visit my personal and class websites! Yahoo and Skype ID: gladysbaya |
Kat Urbaniak
 | Kat Urbaniak is a Scot living in Canada. She is an ESL and Business English instructor and first took part in BAW last year where she helped moderate messages. As a ‘techie’ before becoming a teacher, and a blogger for the last 6 year, she loves technology (most of the time) and is an advocate of Blended Learning. YM: yellowsmock. Skype: katurbaniak |
Nina Liakos
 | Nina has been teaching ESL for 30+ years and is currently a Lecturer in ESL at the University of Maryland, College Park (Maryland English Institute). A former technophobe, Nina participated in BaW-06 and has never been the same since! She enjoys blogging with her classes and chatting with cyberfriends around the globe. She has been looking forward to BaW-07 and hopes to learn all the stuff she didn't get around to last year. Email: nina.liakos@gmail.com Skype: ninaliakos YM: nina_liakos |
Ramona Dietrich
 | Ramona Dietrich is a freelance EFL teacher with 10 years teaching experience in Portugal. She was introduced to ICT tools through her membership in “Becoming a Webhead” two years ago and has become a promoter of “edutainment”. Check out: After Class (her site). Contact her: Email - rddietrich@yahoo,com and add her to MSN (rddietrich@hotmail.com), Skype (rddietrich) |
Mabel Quiroga
 | I'm an EFL teacher in Argentina. I run a face to face language school in Buenos Aires. We teach business English (Portuguese, French and Spanish as a foreign language). About 3 years ago I started getting seriously involved with elearning and have designed a few ESP online courses. Having joined the Webheads community about a year and a half ago has been one of the best educational experiences in my life. email: mabquiroga@yahoo.com.ar- skype/msm: mabelquiroga |
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